Insight Rover is a powerful platform based SaaS solution that handles a diverse range of use-cases, some of which we have outlined below.
Insight Rover enables you to create and organise Metrics in any manner to meet your specific business need. This flexibility delivers you a bespoke Performance and Reporting Assessment environment that is specific to your needs whilst having the efficiency and trust of being an a Microsoft Azure hosted SaaS platform.
Sometimes, it is really useful to start with a base solution and edit that, or you might be implementing a solution that is Industry wide, such as compliance assessment.
To cater for those scenarios, we have developed set Templates that we can provide to you as a running start, delivering immediate value. We are constantly expanding the platform and investing in the creation of new templates to fast-track your successful deployment of Insight Rover.
The Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC) is an independent regulator with oversight of information access, information privacy, and data protection for the Victorian public sector.
In order to assist implement their stated goals, OVIC developed the Victorian Protective Data Security Framework and Standards (VPDSF / VPDSS). Version 2.0 define 12 high level mandatory Standards to protect public sector information across all security areas including governance, information, personnel, Information Communications Technology (ICT) and physical security.

The 12 Standards are delivered through 95 individual Elements to which each Victorian Public Sector agency is required to evaluate themselves and report against, via the Protective Data Security Plan (PDSP). In addition, they are also required to report a summary of any resultant projects they are undertaking or open risks associated with the Elements.
Through the use of the Insight Rover platform, we have developed a free VPDSS template to simplify the assessment, reporting, project & risk management activities. To develop the structure and content of this template, we reviewed all 'Primary Source' supporting materials and have implemented that information, creating a dedicated VPDSS Compliance Assessment and Management tool. This work makes your assessment and on-going management of VPDSS streamlined, collaborative and most importantly, trusted.
Get in touch with us to discuss how we can simplify and assist with your VPDSS assessment, reporting and on-going management obligations.
ICT Governance

With the ever increasing opportunities provided by technology and the risks exposed, implementing good ICT Governance is critical.
To understand a true picture of ICT Governance, there are many moving parts that all require people, systems and processes to oversee. Insight Rover can be used to bring the reporting, tracking and risk management of these functions into a single, initiative and collaborative SaaS solution.
Ask us how Insight Rover can simplify the role of the CIO and how our Our ICT Governance solution will bring confidence to your Executive Team and Board and provide critical intelligence to your ICT Governance Committee.
ACSC Cyber Security Risk Mitigation Strategies & Essential 8
The Australian Signals Directorate’s Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) has developed prioritised mitigation strategies to help cyber security professionals in all organisations mitigate cyber security incidents caused by various cyber threats.
ACSC has identified 37 individual risk mitigation strategies that have been classified based on effectiveness. The top rating of effectiveness is 'Essential' and thus the Essential Eight was born.
By using Insight Rover, and our free Cyber Risk Mitigation template, you can implement a trusted solution to assess your organisations compliance to the risk mitigation strategies and manage any related projects and remaining risks to deliver a single view of compliance.

Cyber Security Strategy

The Framework consists of the 5 core activities of;
- Govern
- Protect
- Detect & Analyse
- Contain & Recover
- Review & Refine
Through our deep understanding of a range of industry leading Cyber Security and Data Protection frameworks, we have developed our own Cyber Security Strategy that is implemented through a maturity assessment framework.
By using the power of Insight Rover, we have coupled the rolling maturity assessment of that framework, with integrated Risk Management and action planning to deliver a truly complete and connected intelligence solution.
Underpinning these core activities are Principles and Principle Elements to ensure the maturity assessment model is strategically structure yet appropriately detailed to identify key risks and actions. The Insight Rover metrics have been weighted to ensure the scoring models appropriately highlight areas of strength or concern.
We can provide the Cyber Security Strategy free to our customers so it can be locally refined and then implemented using Insight Rover.